
Chris Carlson, President & CEO

The Relationship Banking Academy has a specialized focus on the banking sector and works with Banks to create training programs that will insure that their Bankers achieve extraordinary results.

What We Do

Our role revolves around empowering Bankers and Sales Leaders with key fundamental systems, each meticulously designed to foster growth and efficiency in their work. These include

  • Business Development System:  A strategy that helps in identifying and pursuing new opportunities, with an emphasis on getting the 1st appointment with a targeted prospect
  • Sales System: A structured approach to sales that emphasizes skill development and a process that moves a prospect to a customer in an effective and efficient manner
  • Retention System: A proactive plan focused on maintaining and strengthening existing customer relationships, ensuring more business and long-term loyalty
  • Referral System: A method to develop and deepen relationships with the best Centers of Influence resulting in both the quality and quantity of referrals a Banker needs to exceed their goals
  • Sales Leader System: This system is designed to make certain that Sales Leaders are focused on their key activities, resulting in the team’s success 

Our Approach

We blend our deep industry knowledge with an engaging coaching style, that resonates with Bankers as they deal with their unique needs and challenges.  Our approach is hands-on, collaborative, and results-driven, focusing on practical skills and actionable strategies. 

Who We Work With

We partner with Banks of all sizes, with a focus on their Business Bankers and Commercial Bankers. 

Connect with Us

If your Bank is looking to elevate your sales training program, we’d love to connect and explore how we can work together towards your success. Feel free to reach out for a conversation or consultation!





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